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My Experience

Program Quality Director, 2020-2021

  • Created, designed and hosted monthly educational and training events
  • Collaborated with new district Contest Committee to create new online ballot submission and online results access process
  • Modernized TLI Team workspace via online access to Google drive space and online feedback/registration forms
  • Participated in Zoom Team Room Facilitators training
  • Held monthly PQD Core Team meetings with added leadership development topics

Club Growth Director, 2019-2020

  • Supported the chartering of five new clubs
  • Maintained monthly Club Coach support calls
  • Followed up on >40 leads for new clubs and supported >5 demonstration meetings
  • Supported local DC chapter ICF meeting outreach event
  • Supported club retention effort for > 3 clubs
  • Educated clubs on TI Digital ad campaign efforts
  • Sponsored "LinkedIn for Clubs" webinar
  • Created CGD Office Hours for officers and members to ask questions
  • Taught "Advanced Pathways" at Region 7 Pathways Marathon

Division F Governor, 2012-2013

  • President's Distinguished Division: 22 out of 34 clubs in the division were Distinguished or better
  • Led team of six Area Governors
  • Created slogan of FanFabFun - Fantastic Service, Fabulous Support, Fun with Success
  • Rewarded Clubs with all 7 officers trained with Fabulous Brownies

District 36 Chief Judge, 2010-2012

  • Served as Chief Judge at all Division Contests
  • Served as Chief Judge at District Contests
  • Created How to Serve as Chief Judge guide
  • Created How to Serve as Contest Master guide

District 36 TLI Dean, 2007-2008

  • Coordinated 11 TLI training events; 72 offered electives
  • 1388 officers trained for 182 clubs
  • 77.8% clubs earned DCP goal #9
Copyright © 2021 Bonnie L. Maidak,  DTM, blmtm2009 @ yahoo.com